ISO 56001, the certifiable standard for innovation management systems, has been published. It marks...

An innovation management system is a framework for any organization that wants to strengthen its innovation capabilities and boost innovation performance.
The world’s first certifiable standard for innovation management systems, ISO 56001, is now published. Can it help your organization to innovate more effectively?
The international standard ISO 56001 specifies the requirements for implementing and continually improving a management system for innovation efforts in an organization.
Get the free Amplify guidebook for an introduction to ISO 56001 and its benefits.
This checklist is a practical tool for a quick review of your organization’s innovation management capabilities. It helps you take the first steps towards aligning with ISO 56001, the international standard for innovation management systems.
News about the development and adoption of innovation management systems and related standards.
Innovation management standards support a systematic and systems approach. Learn the fundamentals of creating favorable conditions and removing barriers for innovators and teams in your organization.
Ainno is your innovation management AI assistant. The assistant answers all your questions and gives you practical advice on everything related to systematic innovation management.
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The book Changing the Dynamics and Impact of Innovation Management includes case studies of organizations that have adopted a systems approach to managing innovation efforts.
Find links to the ISO 56000 family of standards and other resources, and download articles and book chapters.
Identify your innovation capability strengths and weaknesses, prioritize actions, and build the management system suitable for your organization. Get certified based on ISO 56001, if preferred, and then continue to improve your innovation capabilities.
IMCA 2019 is an assessment tool for an organization to determine its level of maturity in terms of innovation management capabilities, published by SIS Swedish Institute for Standards.
Amplify can help you assess and implement innovation capabilities in your organization based on ISO 56001, whether you want to prepare for certification or not.