About ISO 56001
Given the opportunities and challenges we face as individuals, organizations, and societies, we must ensure that innovation efforts can flourish and deliver the best possible results.
The international standard for innovation management systems, ISO 56001, specifies the requirements for implementing and continually improving a management system for innovation efforts in an organization.

Think of the standard as a checklist for boosting innovation performance. It describes a collection of critical system elements that will support you in fulfilling your innovation ambitions. It provides a generic and adaptable framework that fits any organization without mandating specific tools or methods.
By learning to manage innovation activities more effectively based on international standards, you can realize more value with fewer resources. It is not only an option but also a responsibility!
What is an innovation management system?
Here is a video explaining an innovation management system based on the guidance standard ISO 56002:2019.
Frequently asked questions
What are the benefits of using ISO 56001?
ISO 56001 provides a credible and internationally agreed-upon framework and shared language for managing innovation efforts. It can help you build innovation capabilities and improve innovation performance.
Why is ISO 56001 important?
All organizations must innovate and renew themselves to stay relevant over time. It is critical to address today's global and local challenges related to, for example, digitalization, climate change, security, and social issues.
How can I get started with ISO 56001?
You and your team can start by learning the fundamentals of systematic innovation management and conducting an innovation management capability assessment to identify strengths and weaknesses based on ISO 56001.
How is "innovation" defined in the ISO 56001?
Innovation is defined in ISO 56000 and ISO 56001 as a new or changed product, service, process, model, method, etc., realizing or redistributing value.
Does ISO 56001 restrict creativity?
ISO 56001 is designed to support, rather than confine, creative processes. The focus is on creating the best possible conditions and removing barriers to innovation activities in organizations.
What are the differences between ISO 56001 and 56002?
ISO 56001 is a requirement standard that can be used for auditing and certification, while ISO 56002 provides guidance and recommendations.
Can I integrate ISO 56001 with other management disciplines?
Yes. ISO 56001 uses the harmonized structure developed by ISO to facilitate integration with, for example, ISO 9001 Quality management systems and ISO 14001 Environmental management systems.
How are management system standards different from product standards?
Innovation management system standards (ISO 56001) focus on facilitating HOW you innovate, such as leadership, strategy, and ways of working. Product and technology standards focus on WHAT is innovated to ensure interoperability, ease of use, or safety.
How can I certify my organization using ISO 56001?
For a third-party audit and certification, you can contact an independent certification organization that provides management system standards certification services.
When will ISO 56001 be published?
ISO 56001 was published in September 2024.